Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse can affect anyone, from any age, background or sexuality whether this be witnessing domestic abuse or being in a relationship where there is an equality of power and control that can result in psychological, emotional, sexual, financial or physical abuse of some kind. This can be from a partner or ex-partner or by a family member or carer.

Domestic abuse can erode a person’s sense of self where they may no longer feel safe to be themselves through sustained emotional, psychological and/or physical abuse and can be manipulated to believe that they are somehow at fault or lesser than the other person.

They could be ‘brainwashed’ into thinking that the way they are being treated is ok or ‘normal’. The person may be isolated from friends or family or made to believe that the perpetrator is the only person who has their best interests at heart and they may not recognise that it is an abusive relationship.  It is important that you keep lines of communication open with the person you feel may be in an abusive relationship and be patient. This can happen in teenage relationships.  Or you may be being stalked or harassed by a current or ex-partner, either in real life or online.

If you think you may be in,or have been in an abusive relationship and want help or support or if you know a friend or family member who may need help, then there are organisations you can go to for support which are listed below.

If you are in immediate danger, then please call 999

If you need support in school or further support and sign posts then please contact Liz Dando at the school or email [email protected] during term times


First Light- Support in Cornwall

First Light provides specialist support to victims – male and female, adult and child – of any gender or sexuality,  of sexual violence and domestic abuse in Devon and Cornwall.


Helpline: 0300 777 4777

Email: [email protected]


24-hour National Domestic Violence
Freephone Helpline


Helpline: 0808 2000 247


Norda House Project -Cornwall

Supporting Male victims of Domestic Abuse in Cornwall with 24 hour helpline


Telephone: 01872 321 546

24 hour Helpline: 01872 225 629

Online form:


Paladin- National Stalking Advocacy Service

Paladin is a trauma-informed service established to assist high risk victims of stalking


Telephone: 020 3866 4107

Email: [email protected]


National Stalking Helpline


Helpline: 0808 802 0300

Stalking enquiry online form: