What is Labour Market Information?
Labour market information (LMI) can answer the questions young people commonly ask when thinking about their careers, including ‘how much would I get paid if I did that job?’ and ‘what type of person does that job?’
LMI can help young people and their parents/carers to understand the salaries and promotion opportunities for different jobs, and the volume and location of vacancies across different sectors. At Brannel we encourage students to access and use information about career paths and the labour market to inform their decisions on study options.
How do I access Labour Market Information?
LMI can be accessed from a range of sources. For example:
- iCould is a careers website which uses LMI to provide context alongside careers videos.
- U-Explore provide careers guidance solutions for schools and colleges.
- SACU is an online source of careers information for young people, parents, teachers and careers advisors.
- RCU Ltd. is a data dashboard which draws on LMI for All data and is designed to help inform curriculum design.
- The National Careers Service offers information and professional advice about education, training and work. Students and their parents/carers can access support via their website, helpline and web chat.
- The government funds a high quality LMI service called LMI for All which is used by a number of providers, including the National Careers Service. LMI for All Tool