Tutor Programme and the Role of Tutors
At Brannel we operate a Horizontal Tutoring System whereby each Year group is split into 6 tutor groups. Each tutor group will undertake a clear Tutor Programme devised for them by their Head of Year.
The Tutor is a mentor and champion for each student’s learning. Tutors are the main link between home and school and are expected to contact parents directly when they have concerns over students in their group. Students, where possible, remain with the same tutor during their time at the school. This provides continuity for students and parents alike and makes it easier for good relationships to flourish between home and school.
Tutors may sometimes invite parents into school to discuss aspects of a student’s progress – whether academic or behavioural. Tutors are responsible for ensuring that students in their group comply with all school rules, including uniform and conduct.
Contact details for your child’s tutor can be found here.