PE & Sport

PE Curriculum Content

Year 7

Students will cover a range of different activities including invasion games, aesthetics, striking and fielding and health related fitness. This will not only improve students’ physical skills but also their sporting values. The aim is to develop their confidence, communication and resilience.  Students will be given leadership opportunities as well as being encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities.

Year 8

As Year 7.

Year 9

Students will continue to develop their skills and sporting values across a range of sports. Year 9 students will have the opportunity to participate in some alternative sports as well as the more traditional. During Year 9 pupils will have the option to experience an exam-based course in preparation for key stage 4 options.

Year 10

Key stage 4 PE encourages participation and enjoyment of physical education. Lessons are recreational and improve health and wellbeing through physical activity. Our fundamental aim is to equip our students with the knowledge and confidence to lead healthy and active lifestyles, and to create pathways for them to continue to be active beyond school.

Year 11

As Year 11.

Curriculum Approach

Our PE curriculum aims to ensure that all students develop the fundamental skills and competence to excel in a wide range of physical activities by providing a broad and balanced curriculum with opportunities for all. A high-quality PE curriculum will develop physical literacy and will allow young people to learn about themselves, the importance of a healthy lifestyle, self-expression and concepts such as fair play and respect. It contributes to the development of a range of important cognitive skills such as decision making and analysis, and social skills such as teamwork and communication. Developing students’ personal qualities through PE can also affect their attitudes towards school and learning.

Phase of Education Specific Requirements

Courses available to pupils at key stage 4, including GCSEs

  • OCR Cambridge National Sports Studies

Find Out More

To find out more about the independent tasks for KS3, please refer to the Realsmart portfolios. Here you will also find more details about end of unit assessments and the criteria that we use to assess student progress. Alternatively, please contact the head of department or your child’s class teacher.

Future Careers

Physical education lends itself to a range of careers in sports and fitness as well as other industries that you may not have considered before. For example, did you know that many nutritionists, physical therapists and chiropractors have a degree in PE? Some careers that you could consider doing with PE include: Sports science, PE teacher, Physiotherapist, Professional sportsperson, Sports coach/consultant, Sports policy at local and national level, Diet and fitness instructor, Personal trainer.

Physical Education Learning Journey

We equip students with the skills and experiences during their time at school, to be able to continue to Further and Higher Education and ultimately to be able to pursue a career in sport.

View our Physical Education Learning Journey.

Clubs and Trips

The PE department run a comprehensive selection of sports teams and clubs that alter throughout the year according to the playing seasons. The school competes in local, county and national competitions and produce competitive teams in most sports. To supplement their sports diet the PE department run sporting trips to events that have included:

  • Bath Rugby Club
  • Saracens Rugby Club
  • Watford Football Club
  • West Brom Football Club
  • The Rugby Premiership Final
  • Wimbledon
  • The Ballet Boys


The PE Department is based in the Jonathan Fox PE Hub

PE Hub and 3G Pitch