Overview of Programme Leadership
Leadership of our careers programme is distributed across our teaching staff in order to ensure that it is embedded and owned. A number of teachers across the faculties are assigned a role as Sector Lead for one of Cornwall’s key employment sectors. They identify employment prospects across their sector and opportunities for school alignment with relevant elements of Cornwall’s long-term economic growth strategy Vision 2030.
>>Fantastic Futures organisational structure
A smaller core team is responsible and accountable for: planning, implementing and quality assuring a careers programme for the school; managing the deliver of career guidance; networking with external partners, including employers; and coordinating the contributions of careers teachers, subject teachers, tutors and SENDCo. The core team comprises:
Careers Lead
Mr Jason Doolan is our Careers Lead (and also a Teacher of Science). He is responsible for delivering the school’s careers education, information, advice and guidance programme. He also co-ordinates the Year 10 work experience programme.
>>The Careers Leader role in schools
email: [email protected]
telephone: 01726 822485
Strategic Lead
Strategic programme leadership is provided by Ms Elizabeth Fletcher, Director of Business Development and Operations and a member of Brannel’s Senior Leadership Team.