When you entrust the education of your child to Brannel School, we agree to give of our best to help your child to achieve his or her best.
Brannel School expects staff to:
- Lead by example and set high standards in work and behaviour.
- Provide a safe, friendly, caring and supportive learning environment.
- Avoid discrimination of any sort including by gender, race, religion, disability, age or sexual orientation.
- Develop a curriculum that best meets the needs of all of our students.
- Challenge students’ minds and be aware of differing levels of ability.
- Set and mark work and homework that is relevant and appropriate.
- Balance criticism with praise.
- Monitor student progress and report regularly to parents.
- Recognise and reward effort as well as achievement.
- Show consistency and fairness in applying behavioural consequences.
Brannel School expects students to:
- Follow instructions of staff first time.
- Maintain good attendance and be punctual to school and to lessons.
- Wear full school uniform smartly and appropriately, both in school and on the way to and from school.
- Bring the appropriate equipment to school for each lesson/activity.
- Use Show My Homework properly and deliver all letters to parents/carers.
- Try their best in all lessons and hand in homework on time.
- Not misbehave or disrupt the learning of others.
- Be polite and courteous to all the Brannel community of staff, students and visitors, and consider and respect the feelings and property of other people.
- Move around the school in a quiet, orderly and safe manner.
- Keep the school environment clean and tidy and care for school property.
- Not eat or drink in the areas of the school where this is not allowed.
- Not bring anything into the school that is not allowed, e.g. cigarettes, chewing gum, fireworks, aerosols (non-aerosol deodorants are allowed in P.E. changing rooms). Students understand that inappropriate items brought into school will be confiscated and retained for collection by my parent/guardian.
- Ensure that if bringing a mobile phone, iPod, MP3 player, etc. into school they must be turned off throughout the whole day. If found using any of these items in school they will be confiscated and retained for collection after an agreed sanction period. The school does not accept responsibility for loss or damage to items of this kind.
- Report any incidents of bullying immediately to a member of staff.
- Remember that on school trips and on the way to and from school they represent Brannel School and must act accordingly.
- Accept the sanctions of the school if their behaviour is inappropriate.
Brannel School expects parents/carers to:
- Be positive and supportive of the aims of Brannel School.
- Take an active and encouraging interest in their child’s work and progress.
- Encourage their child to do his or her best at all times.
- Encourage their child to balance social life and school life so that he or she arrives at school rested and ready for work.
- Ensure that their child leaves for school on time, in correct uniform and with the appropriate equipment.
- Attend progress review meeting evenings and other meetings regarding their child’s progress and well-being.
- Monitor homework and the use of ‘Show My Homework’ and respond to communications from the school.
- Support the authority and discipline of the school including their child attending detentions if required to do so.
- Aim for maximum attendance of their child and inform the school promptly of any reasons for any absences.
- Support the school policy of not organising holidays during term time.
- Organise dental and other appointments wherever possible outside of school times.
- Inform the school of any circumstances which may affect their child’s attitude and performance in school.
- Telephone the school to make an appointment with a member of staff, if there any concerns, rather than just arriving at the school and expecting to see someone.