Initial Concerns
We will always try to work alongside parents, carers and other relevant parties to ensure that all are fully satisfied with the policy, practice and service that we provide for our young people. We appreciate that occasionally there may be specific aspects that you may wish to discuss further or that you are dissatisfied with.
In the first instance, please contact your child’s tutor, subject teacher, Head of Department, or Head of Year to discuss your concerns. Contact a Teacher
If the issue is a very serious concern, or you do not think it has been resolved to your satisfaction, please contact Mrs Christine Thomas (School Administrator & Headteacher’s PA): 01726 822485 or by email: [email protected]
Formal Complaints by Parents or Carers of Pupils
Brannel School is part of the Cornwall Education Learning Trust (CELT) and adheres to the CELT Complaints Policy which can be viewed on the School Policies page of this website.
It is noted that this policy is for the express use of parents or carers of pupils. However, as public bodies, the Secretary of State for Education expects academies to handle complaints from people who are not parents of children at the school respectfully and expediently. They are not obliged to follow the complaints policy. For more information, view the ESFA’s Best Practice Guidance
Whistleblowing Procedure for Staff
Academies and Trusts must have an appropriate procedure for whistleblowing in place that protects staff members who report colleagues they believe are doing something wrong or illegal, or who are neglecting their duties.
Brannel School is part of the Cornwall Education Learning Trust (CELT) and adheres to the CELT Whistleblowing Policy which can be viewed on the School Policies page of this website.