Curriculum Content
Year 7 |
Students undertake three lessons a term. Students will study the following throughout the year: Christianity and Islam |
Year 8 |
Students undertake three lessons a term. Students will study the following throughout the year: Christianity and Buddhism |
Year 9 |
Students undertake three lessons a term. Students will study the following throughout the year: Religion in Cornwall |
Year 10 |
Students undertake three to four lessons a term. Students will study the following themes throughout the year:
· Term 1: Equality – ethics, stereotypes, tolerance, the good Samaritan · Term 2: World Poverty – wealth and poverty, causes of poverty, charities · Term 3: Peace and justice – causes of war, religious attitudes towards violence, Amnesty International |
Year 11 |
Students undertake 3/4 lessons a term. Students will study the following themes throughout the year:
· Term 1: Medical Ethics – sanctity of life, abortion, abortion and religion · Term 2: cloning, euthanasia, debate on big questions |
Curriculum Approach
Morals and Ethics provokes challenging questions about the meaning of life, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human. Exploring the concept of religion and belief and their roles in the spiritual, moral and cultural lives of people in a diverse society helps individuals develop moral awareness and social understanding. Furthermore, it enables pupils to flourish individually not just in their communities but the global community.
In planning the Morals and Ethics programme, national and local guidance was considered. The Morals and Ethics provision has been based on the recommendations of the agreed syllabus for Cornwall and the AQA specification and aims to develop a sense of identity and belonging.
Phase of Education Specific Requirements
Morals and Ethics is a non-examined subject at Brannel school but does follow the AQA specification.
Find Out More
To find out more about the independent tasks for KS3, please refer to the Realsmart portfolios. Here you will also find more details about end of unit assessments and the criteria that we use to assess student progress. Alternatively, please contact the head of department or your child’s class teacher.
Future Careers
A wide range of career paths are open to those who study Morals and Ethics ranging from education, social work, international relations, journalism and medicine.
Morals and Ethics Learning Journey
We equip students with the skills and experiences during their time at school, to be able to progress to Further and Higher Education and ultimately be able to pursue a career within their chosen field.
View our Morals and Ethics Learning Journey