Summer Exam Timetable 2024
If you have any queries about examinations or assessments, please contact Mrs N Hallifax, Exams Officer
She can be contacted on 01726 822485 or at [email protected].
Guidance & Information for Students and Parents
It is important that students read and understand the guidance and regulations which are provided.
Students will receive information on the regulations and arrangements for examinations, which include what is and isn’t permitted in the examination room, and how they should conduct themselves, both before during and after the exam.
Further information on this is available from the Joint Council for Qualifications who regulate the running of exams on behalf of the Awarding Bodies and links to the appropriate documents are below.
Written Exams:
IFC-Written_Examinations_2324_Revision_One_FINAL.pdf (
Non-Examination Assessments:
IFC-NE_Assessments_2023_FINAL.pdf (
Social Media:
JCQ Social Media Infographic v4
Privacy Notice:
Microsoft Word – Information for candidates – Privacy Notice_MR (
On-screen tests:
IFC-On-Screen_Examinations_2023_FINAL.pdf (
Collecting Exam Results
GCSE Results day is Thursday 22nd August 2024. Students may collect results from 9.30am – 11.00am.
Any results not collected by 11.00am will be posted first class.
If you are not able to collect your results in person, you have the following options:
- Send a signed and dated letter to the Exams Officer giving an email for the results to be sent to on results day afternoon
- Give signed consent for a third party to collect results on your behalf. This needs to give your full name and address and name the person collecting the results for you. They will need to bring ID for themselves. Use this form if you’d like to do that. This can be handed into school before results day, addressed to the Exams Officer, or brought in by the third party.
If you need any help or advice, please email [email protected]. This email will be monitored throughout the Summer Holidays.