Report Information

Reporting to Parents / Carers

Brannel School use the SIMS Parent App to report to parents/carers. This is available for PCs, smart phones and tablets and allows users to see their child’s timetables, reports, attendance,behaviour and achievement, as well as school events.

Parents/carers who are not current users, will be issued with a registration code in

Progress Reporting

This is planned for throughout the year to inform parents/carers of their child’s progress
within the Department for Education guidelines. These reports are sent electronically and also
through SIMS Parent App.

In Key stage 3 (Years 7 – 9,) staff complete 2 progress checks across the year which we report to parents/carers.

  • Year 7 February (Progress report) and July (Full report)
  • Year 8 January (Full report) and July (Progress report)
  • Year 9 January (Full report) and July (Progress report)

In Key stage 4 (Years 10 & 11), staff complete 3 progress checks across the year which we
report to parents/carers.

  • Year 10 November (Progress report), March (progress report), July (Full report)
  • Year 11 September (Progress report), January (Progress and Mock results) and March (Final report)

In addition to these reports, assessment results are made available to parents throughout the
year through SIMS Parent App.

Behaviour for Learning

Behaviour Incidents and Achievement Points are made available to parents daily through the
SIMS Parent App.  They are also included in all of our reports to parents. We report the number of achievement points, behaviour incidents and attitude to learning in each subject.

Achievement Points

Throughout the year, your child will receive merits for their effort and work. The achievement
points show how many merits your child has been awarded since the start of the academic

Behaviour Incidents

This will give an indication as to the number of occasions a behaviour incident is recorded as
part of the school’s Behaviour for Learning Policy.

Subject Attitude in Lessons and Homework

These measures indicate the amount of effort and level of contribution your child is making
in lessons and in the completion of homework which has been set.

Grade What this looks like


The student has exceeded our expectations and consistently demonstrated lifelong learning skills. They initiate learning discussions, works independently and reads around the subject. Seeks and actions feedback and supports others with their learning.


This is the minimum we expect of our students. They make a regular contribution in class, complete tasks well, are prepared for lessons and respond well to feedback.

Requires Improvement

Behaviour for learning is below our expectations. They are involved in low level disruptions, make limited contribution in class and are not always prepared for lessons.

Urgent Action required

Behaviour for learning is considerably below our expectations. They receive behaviour sanctions for poor behaviour. They often do not complete work and disrupt the learning of others.

Subject Progress

At Key Stage 3, we report a student’s progress in each subject, which is based on their Key
stage 2 attainment towards their agreed goals.  These are reported as Above Expected, Expected, Below Expected, Significantly Below Expected.

At Key Stage 4, we report a student’s Predicted grade in their final exams.  This indicates the level or grade that is currently predicted for your child based on the work that they have completed so far. A predicted grade is not a guaranteed result. Depending on the effort and work that your child puts in, they could achieve a lower or a much higher grade.  If you have any queries regarding your child’s report, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s tutor or their Head of Year.

If your child has an Education Health Care Plan or is on the Record of Need and you have any queries, please contact Helen Atkins [email protected], SENDCo.