Contact Us

Our main office deals with all our enquiries.  Mrs Christine Thomas is our Office Manager and along with her team will be able to support you. Please email [email protected] should you require assistance. We would be delighted to hear from you and we are more than happy to help arrange a school visit.

General Enquiries

Brannel School, Rectory Rd, St Stephen, Cornwall, PL26 7RN
Telephone: 01726 822485
[email protected]


Interim Headteacher: Mr Mark Everett, [email protected]

Headteacher’s PA: Mrs Christine Thomas, [email protected]

Chair of Rapid Improvement Group (RIG): Mr Ben Parnell

To contact a member of our Rapid Improvement Group, please contact:  [email protected]

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Assistant Headteacher: Mr John Doherty (Assistant Headteacher), [email protected]

Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator

SENDCo: Ms Helen Atkins, [email protected]

Academy Sponsor

Cornwall Education Learning Trust, Company Number 07565242. Registered office address: Atlantic Centre, Trenance Leisure Park, Newquay, Cornwall, TR7 2LZ. Tel: 01637 800280  
Trust Lead: Lisa Mannall
Registered in England and Wales

Requests for Copies

If you require a paper copy of the information on our website, please let our school office know and we will provide it free of charge.