As we approach the start of GCSE exams for 2023, I am writing to update you on important information relating to revision, exams and the most effective ways of supporting your child.
Year 11 have recently completed mocks exams in key subjects. I have been incredibly proud of how well the students have prepared for their mocks. They have been resilient and have worked hard and given them their best. We know that mocks are stressful for the students, however the importance of preparation and experience of the exams will help stand them in good stead for the real GCSEs. These assessments will help your child identify what they can do well and what they need to work on ahead of their final exams.
Over the Easter holiday the school will be offering a timetable of different sessions to support the students with their studies. This timetable for this is below.
Monday 3rd | Tuesday 4th | Wednesday 5th | Thursday 6th | Friday 7th |
9.30 – 12.00 English Language E1 & E2 Maths I1 & I2 12.30 – 3.00 English Literature E1 & E2 Maths I1 & I2 | 9.30 – 3.00 Photography C8 Art C7 Maths I1 & I2 | 9.30 – 1.00 GCSE PE Sports Hub Maths I1 & I2 | Bank Holiday | |
Monday 10th | Tuesday 11th | Wednesday 12th | Thursday 13th | Friday 14th |
Bank Holiday | 9.30 – 1.00 Science (C1) I6 I7 Maths I1 & I2 | 9.30 – 1.00 Science (B1) I6 & I7 9.30 – 3.00 Animal Care Eco Hub Maths I4 | 9.30 – 1.00 History I9 Maths I1 & I2 | 9.30 – 3.00 French I8 Spanish I10 Maths I1 & I2 |
Staff volunteer their time so that Easter School can run. We are well aware that in previous years this has made a big difference to the progress of students. For some students it offers a quiet environment to allow them to revise, with a teacher available to help if necessary. The staff also develop resources and questions that help the students access exam questions. Please encourage your child to attend. If you can drop off and pick up your child, it would be appreciated. However Mr Morse will offer transport in one of the school minibuses. Students need to book a place on the minibus by emailing Mr Morse [email protected] before 7.30pm the night before they attend.
Staff have also worked very hard to produce Independent tasks to help the students prepare weekly for their final GCSEs. Please encourage your child to complete these to the best of their abilities. All the information is on Satchel One. Alongside this, we run a fortnightly timetable of after school sessions. These are designed to support the students with their independent tasks and to save them time with their learning in the long run.
Your child has access to ExamsAssist which gives them their individual timetable for the Summer GCSEs. We will also email an overall calendar of all Summer GCSEs to yourselves and the students, and this will be available on Satchel and the school website. Please note that your child will not be taking all of these exams.
During the GCSE period we will be making changes to the Year 11 timetable in order that pupils have access to last minute revision sessions and enter the exam room feeling as calm and prepared as possible. Pupils will access this timetable online and will be given daily reminders of where they should be and when. We know that this makes a difference to student outcomes, so please ensure that your child attends school throughout this time.