We would like to invite you to attend the Year 11 Parents Evening on Wednesday 21st September 2022 at Brannel School.
During the evening you have the opportunity to meet with your child’s subject teachers to discuss current progress. It is also an opportunity for parents and carers to obtain an overview of how well your son or daughter is performing in their subject areas. The teachers will be able to answer any queries you may have and, if necessary, will follow up anything which cannot be answered on the night.
Heads of House and members of the Senior Leadership Team will also be available during the evening to discuss any issues.
To book appointments with please visit SchoolCloud – Brannel School
The length of each appointment is five minutes and will give the opportunity for open discussion regarding subject and/or any other issues, queries or concerns you might have. Your son or daughter will advise you of the times arranged.
If you have any specific concerns regarding your child’s progress in a particular subject, it would be helpful if you could communicate this to your child’s tutor in advance of the evening by email. Tutor email addresses can be found on the reverse of this letter.
We look forward to welcoming you at Brannel on Wednesday 21st September 2022.