Alumni Story – Will Owens

  Did you enjoy your time at Brannel School? Yes, I have many great memories from my time at Brannel School.   Do you have any special memories of your time at Brannel School? I would always say that the people I met at school would be the memory I always smile at when I … Read more

Alumni Story – Dave Orton

    Did you enjoy your time at Brannel School? Very much so, good friends, teachers and lots of memories.   Do you have any special memories of your time at Brannel School? Good friends and lots of laughter.   When you were at school, did you have any specific career dreams or aspirations? I … Read more

Returning to School Guide

THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC has presented unprecedented challenges for us all; challenges that at Brannel School we have met with creativity, resourcefulness and compassion. We understand that life at home for many families has been difficult, and we are eager to see our students safely back to school, where they belong. We are confident in our … Read more

Alumni Story – Cameron Danby

  Did you enjoy your time at Brannel School? Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Brannel.   Do you have any special memories of your time at Brannel School? One of my favourite memories was being given the opportunity to choreograph a production of Oliver. This was the first time during my school career … Read more

New Eco Patch Development

We are pleased to announce that the school has just been granted planning permission by Cornwall Council for a new classroom extension. ‘The Eco Patch’, as it has been named, will inject new life into learning outdoors. The development includes a new classroom and miniature smallholding with chickens, ducks, pygmy goats and other small animals. … Read more

Year 10 Back to School

Since the beginning of lockdown we have been dedicated to delivering emergency provision, remote learning, centre-assessed grades, and preparing the school building to welcome back our Year 10 students. Although we don’t yet know what the national plan will look like in the longer term, we will continue to ensure that all our students are … Read more

A Magical Night at Brannel

This week there was magic in the air as around 80 wizards descended on Brannel School for a special Twilight Wizard School event.  The evening was organised by our Literacy Coordinator, Mrs Ireland, to celebrate children and young people’s enthusiasm and love for Harry Potter books. There were owls from Screech Owl Sanctuary, potion-making, Quidditch, … Read more

Anti-Litter Campaign

Brannel’s Eco Committee is taking steps to reduce the amount of litter being dropped at school and in the wider community with an anti-litter poster campaign. Students were invited to enter a competition to design a poster and the Eco Committee selected the winners this week. The campaign is part of the Eco Committee Action … Read more

Silver DofE students get cooking!

Students preparing for their Silver Duke of Edinburgh expedition tested their culinary skills during Brannel Challenge this week. Students cooked bacon, eggs and… pot noodles (cooking is a loose term!) using Triangias. Their expedition is due to take place this summer and students have been busy working on their volunteering and skill sections.  

Challenge Week 2020

Our Challenge Week activities booklet is now available: Challenge Week 2020 Following a highly successful Challenge Week last year, we are looking forward to running the week again this year. Challenge Week is for students in Years 7‐ 9. Year 7 students will all follow the activity schedule designed for their year group. Years 8 … Read more